What does CUPE-made mean?
CUPE-made means the products and services you’re using in your local are created and/or provided by sisters and brothers
of other CUPE locals.
What kinds of services are provided by CUPE members?
Currently, companies like W.E. Travel and Union Marketing offer exclusive services and products to members. To attend events, your local most likely purchased travel tickets and hotel reservations through W.E. Travel. The workers at W.E. Travel are unionized by CUPE. Union Marketing is a CUPE-unionized marketing firm in Toronto, Ontario that offers specialized union services, such as creative design (including animation), creative writing, union printing, media buy campaigns, automated calling, IT services, promotional products and more. Supporting your fellow CUPE members through utilizing these services will help us maintain secure jobs across the country.
How can I support the #CUPEmade campaign?
To support the campaign, use the #CUPEmade hashtag on social media by re-tweeting, re-posting or creating new #CUPEmade
posts of your members. In addition, you may suggest a mandate or policy at your next membership meeting that enables your local to source and utilize CUPE-made products and services first, before sourcing the same services outside of CUPE.
Doesn’t CUPE already have a CUPE-made policy?
No, CUPE does not have a policy to use CUPE-made products or services. Currently, CUPE has a Canadian-made and a
union-made policy.
What is the difference between a Canadian-made/union-made policy and a CUPE-made policy?
All three policies benefit members. However, there are services within CUPE that are underutilized simply because locals may
choose to use alternate companies organized by other unions within Canada, or even North-America. Although this does support
the labour movement, a CUPE-made policy would take it one step further and encourage support for our very own CUPE members
first – whenever possible – before considering other unions.
What are other benefits of supporting CUPE-made services?
If enough support is garnered to use CUPE-made products and services, it will result in the unity and strength of CUPE. As a
close-knit community that supports the work of its sisters and brothers, CUPE has the opportunity to grow and flourish with
increased job security, a stable CUPE community and increased accessible resources to use for bargaining, organizing, member
engagement and more!
For more information or to show your support, please use our campaign hashtag #CUPEmade on social media, or contact us at activism@cupe5277.ca!